Truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, salvation, and the word of God.
Word of God. This is the "sword of the Spirit" SWord. Who came up with that spelling. Do the Brits still put a "w" in it when they say it? How do you explain that one in spelling class? Sorry. I've never been good at spelling, not since Hue was pronounced "Way" which just happens to be the beginning of the place where I was born - so I've never taken spelling rules seriously.
Of - uv - don't ever forget that one. Simplest of all words. Two letters. Uv.
Like many times in the last week, the real question comes back to the Word of God. What is so special about this book, this sWord of the Spirit? This strikes to the core of us, if the Bible is true, then there is something we should glean from it, mainly, the relationship with God himself. I've always loved this quote:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
― C.S. Lewis
If every person honestly tries to answer the question about the desire for something more, they have to give the Bible some careful consideration. The Bible is amazing in that it conveys one message by a projected 40 authors over at least 1500 years. The teaching in it is consistent. From a historical perspective, experts say it can be trusted (is more reliable/has held up to more scrutiny/has undergone more scrutiny) than any other ancient record we have. What we really wrestle with is whether or not our human minds think it is "fair."
Enter human suffering. Enter unanswered prayers. Enter lust. I mean, why did God put Job through so much suffering just to win a pissing match with Satan, right? God, this isn't fair! Take these things away and just give me a happy place to live.
Well, that's what the book is all about! The object of the Book is to introduce the reader to the God who creates and recreates for His glory and our good. The Bible teaches us a better place than this is out there, and it is a place where the lion and lamb can lie peacefully beside each other.
I struggle with God and his expectations. You have to know this. I kick against him all the time. I don't like the "rules" of this world because I am selfish and want instant gratification. I am inheriently lazy. I'm a pleasure seeker. And the sooner the rest of you all would realize my needs and serve me, I would be much happier. Yeah... Oh wait... I see it. This world isn't fair because of people like me.
All I can say is that I'm glad God invested in those 40 people to give us His message that I might get a shot at knowing Him, and a potentially glorious future. That he can remake me? OK - I'll start to live like I believe he wants me to live in response to Him sending his Spirit, his Word into my life.
Of - uv - don't ever forget that one. Simplest of all words. Two letters. Uv.
Like many times in the last week, the real question comes back to the Word of God. What is so special about this book, this sWord of the Spirit? This strikes to the core of us, if the Bible is true, then there is something we should glean from it, mainly, the relationship with God himself. I've always loved this quote:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
― C.S. Lewis
If every person honestly tries to answer the question about the desire for something more, they have to give the Bible some careful consideration. The Bible is amazing in that it conveys one message by a projected 40 authors over at least 1500 years. The teaching in it is consistent. From a historical perspective, experts say it can be trusted (is more reliable/has held up to more scrutiny/has undergone more scrutiny) than any other ancient record we have. What we really wrestle with is whether or not our human minds think it is "fair."
Enter human suffering. Enter unanswered prayers. Enter lust. I mean, why did God put Job through so much suffering just to win a pissing match with Satan, right? God, this isn't fair! Take these things away and just give me a happy place to live.
Well, that's what the book is all about! The object of the Book is to introduce the reader to the God who creates and recreates for His glory and our good. The Bible teaches us a better place than this is out there, and it is a place where the lion and lamb can lie peacefully beside each other.
I struggle with God and his expectations. You have to know this. I kick against him all the time. I don't like the "rules" of this world because I am selfish and want instant gratification. I am inheriently lazy. I'm a pleasure seeker. And the sooner the rest of you all would realize my needs and serve me, I would be much happier. Yeah... Oh wait... I see it. This world isn't fair because of people like me.
All I can say is that I'm glad God invested in those 40 people to give us His message that I might get a shot at knowing Him, and a potentially glorious future. That he can remake me? OK - I'll start to live like I believe he wants me to live in response to Him sending his Spirit, his Word into my life.
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