Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How Bad Could it be?

Originally posted March 8, 2010

The author suggests that world things might cause us to worry. But the Bible tells us that things are going to get worse, and that the world's catastrophes are just the signs of the end times.

As a Christian, you have to both live like today is the day... "Rapture Check!" and at the same time, you read things like Matthew 24 and realize that things are not all that bad. A couple earth quakes? Yes they are bad, but the world is not at war and there is no threat on my life as a Christian today.

My biggest fear then is not that some horrible thing will hit my family or myself, but that I'm not devoting enough to further the gospel. I'm constantly haunted by the end of Shindler's List, a movie where a man started a factory and employed it with people that would otherwise be headed to a concentration camp. But at the end of the war, he had grown profitable and complacent and as he saw the devastation on the people, he cried saying "I could have done more. I could have done so much more."

I'm working to try to figure out how to put my money where my heart is. I've spent hundreds on season tickets to watch soccer, but I've only sent $35 to Haitian relief efforts. I can do more. I should do more.

That I would be seen as a person that loves in both word and action. How bad could it be? No - how good it could be.

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