Originally posted April 21, 2010
Today I'm just writing.
It is interesting to me that Charles Stanley wrote about Eschatology. Just this morning, I was with my guys group again and we were trying to figure out where we landed on the whole end times story (Pre-Post-A-Millennial, Pre-post-tribulation). We took scripture out of Matthew to see what Jesus said about it. Not a lot of Rapture first - sort of leaves you A-millennial. Then you get Paul and John and you have to lean a little Pre-Millennial. But who really knows?
In the end, we made sure to let God sort it out in the end. That makes us Pan-Millennialists. Meaning, it will all pan out.
But then I went and read the rest of the scripture in Philippians 3. This is where Paul gets into his whole I'm not boasting, but if I did boast I would have the most to boast about schpeal. Which is interesting because for last night's study, I was in 2 Corinthians 12 where he is doing something similar.
Ironically, Paul says he would boast about the person who FOURTEEN YEARS ago had a vision of the third heaven. I sort of missed that before. Not the third heaven part (Remember Genesis 1 Heaven 1=atmosphere, Heaven2=sun,moon,stars, Heaven3=God & Angels). The part about the fourteen years. Seems like a long time to not mention that someone had a pretty cool insight to heaven.
But again, who knows. I imagine that Paul and the rest spent time trying to figure out if this vision was legit or whatever. But that is just it. Here's Paul, rock star for Jesus, and God uses another part of the body for this vision. We aren't all Pauls. We aren't all Billy Grahams. We aren't all John Pipers. Some of us need to stack chairs and serve food. So long as I'm counted worthy to be with Christ in the end, I'm content.
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