Monday, March 17, 2014

To every season turn turn turn

There is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.

Today I think the message is mostly to Christians; people who are on top of their spiritual game and feel that there should be power in their prayers. But perhaps there isn't. In fact, perhaps prayer time is somewhat boring or feels out of place.

But if you look back on your life, you can identify times when you were faithful and full of life. When the word came alive in you and your prayers were powerful and effective. So the question going through your mind right now is "Why not now?"

This is crazy, but I have the same cycles in other areas of my life. Sometimes I love one salsa, but then I grow tired of it. I still eat it, but with less exuberance than before. If I leave it for a while, try other stuff, and then come back to it, I find my enthusiasm has returned.

Did I just compare my prayer life to salsa? Yes. I'm not saying this is right, but I am saying this is what my life looks like. I don't carry a lot of baggage, I keep short accounts. My conscious is clear and my family life is on solid footing. I typically am looking for service opportunities and I rarely put my needs ahead of the needs of others. And my prayer life, my quiet times, my Bible reading all fluctuate over time - each pulling harder at different times.

For me, I have to continue to pray. I can say I don't care, but I do. I still believe that God answers prayers and I believe that he has my best interests in mind. So I have to pray. I don't often see the results of my prayers, but I believe that some day I will. In 2 Corinthians 5:7 we are reminded that we need to live by faith. And later in that chapter that when we do, we will discover the old self has passed away and the new life has begun. So I press on, in faith, waiting for that incredible flavor that makes me long for more to return.

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