Sunday, February 24, 2019

A new identity

I don't really recall what song as I was listening to as I drove home today, but it made me reflect on the idea of having a new identity. Simply, I am not who I once was.

There are many motivational posters and speakers and conferences and self-help books that all point to making yourself better each day. This is a great thing to pursue. Honesty, if I can learn something new every day, I'm happy.

But the idea of a whole new identity. That is something slightly different. The parents and kids that go through adoption can get this better than I can. A child is born to one set of parents. It doesn't matter race, religion, or sex. The child is given up for adoption and the new parent(s) might be completely different.

In this, they can and often do get a completely new identity.

I've been a Christian for a long time. Honestly, I accepted Christ as a kid. Most of the things adolescent kids do, I hadn't done (yet). Then all of High School. Then all of College (all three colleges). I had a lot of growing up to do.

But one thing stuck with me. I was a child of God. Yes, I didn't want to disappoint my parents or my friends, but ultimately, I had shifted the responsibility from my parents to my God. When I screwed up, I felt the sting of disappointing my new parent more than my old parents.

How can this be? Well, think of anything you do that only you know about. Telling a lie (to your parents). Probably not a big deal unless you are aware of a greater Standard that you have committed to.

The thing is, in giving my life to Christ, I have accepted a forgiveness that is like none other. Mainly, I know how screwed up I was and how screwed up I am. If God can forgive me, then I had better forgive others. It is NOT easy. It is some of the hardest things you'll do.

I find myself as critical as ever. Critical of others and myself. I know I need to let these things go and settle myself. And get better. One day at a time.

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