I only know of one other person that managed to do that. And he said it was incredibly special. Today, I can tell that he and his wife are still head over heals in love with each other.
But in my case, I had kissed lots of girls. I had even kissed my bride before that amazing wedding kiss. And the same goes for my friend who waited until his wedding day - his wife had kissed lots of boys. But that doesn't mean you can't recapture those special moments.
For me, I took a page from Samson. You may not remember this Bible Story, so I'll let Tim Hawkins expound on it for you. Perhaps you'll remember it has to do with a man who never cut his hair:
This is a parody of Plain White T's song "Hey There Delilah." So - awesome.
Tim Hawkins has a line, "Oh - I'm a Nazarene."
What exactly does that mean? Well, in the Old Testament a Nazarene would separate themselves from the norm by doing something different, or odd. Many times it would be abstaining from alcohol, or sex, or in Samson's case, cutting his hair. It was a dedication to the Lord. As a result, they seemed to gain favor. Again, blessing may be in many forms, but in Samson's case, it was strength (and I might add, stupidity).
You can do this any time to hit the reset button. For me, I went down the Samson route.
My wife and I did date in High School and we did kiss our Senior year. But then we parted ways the first year of college. We both dated other people and in the end, we both found our way back to each other.
However, neither of us were happy about the paths we took during those early years of college. So in order to make our relationship special again we made a decision. In my case, I made a physical decision.
I didn't cut my bangs for a little over two years before my wedding. After we returned from our honeymoon, my wife cut them. It was symbolic of a time we were putting in the past.
Just so you know, I didn't feel any super powers when we did this. My fiance and I were very close to breaking those commitments many times. It is not as easy as "Don't cut your hair and magically you won't be tempted in any way." It doesn't work like that (or at least it didn't work that way for me). But it is a conscious decision and it helps to keep track of your progress.
Since then, I can say that it helps to keep track of your progress with someone else - an accountability person. That is the person you are going to have to tell when you mess up.
So, if you want change in your life, make a decision. Make it physical. Make it with one other person. You'll be surprised by the reward at the other end. I know I was.
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