Wednesday, March 13, 2019


It's strange. When you go down the street, you see "Help Wanted" signs in the windows of stores. But what if there was a sign that said "Help Needed?" Is there a difference?

There seems to be an internal desire to be needed. In fact, most people need something. It may not be a physical thing at all.

There is something I do that I didn't really notice. But I discovered when I'm mixing a lot - in a semi-social semi-professional environment. I make eye contact and I smile at people.

You know, this simple gesture seems to make people smile. And that, in return, makes me feel like I gave them something. Which is true. Apparently smiling reduces stress. So I reduce stress, and the person that smiles back is reducing stress. Which makes me glad I did it.

The thing is, people need more than a smile. They need conversation. They need affirmation. They need encouragement. They need to be cared for physically. They need to be touched physically. They need help even when they say they don't. People need each other.

I find this at work in my home. I need my wife and she needs me. I need my kids, and they need me. How we express those needs is challenging. Ultimately, we desire comfort. So putting my family needs above my own can be uncomfortable.

But I learned a long time ago that if I lift someone up, they will in turn lift me up. Maybe not the first time, or the second time, but with time, they will reciprocate. And as we love each other, we can build to greater things.

The more I humble myself, the more those around me become humble and do the same.

Lend a helping hand today.

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