Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What's happening on the inside?

Beautiful. There are places like this all over the world. But what you don't see is that this is a volcano. There are even places that have volcanoes like this where they have built golf courses (and I'm not talking about Hawaii).

In most cases, geologists can tell if a volcano has gone dormant. But who knows for sure? Just like water can find the easiest route to the ocean, I'm pretty sure gas beneath the surface can find it's way through just about any obstacle.

So what is the danger here? For the most part, nothing. But it does beg the question; do you have a volcano in you? Is there something that you are hiding that may blow some day if it was found out?

I don't live my life in fear of this moment. I try to live with as much integrity as possible. But I'm a human, just like you. I'm not perfect and sometimes I fail. You can ask my kids or my wife.

But each day, I try to live as openly as possible. I want to be approachable and transparent. I find that if I can build trust with others, I can speak truth into their lives that helps them see the world differently. And hopefully, that ability to relate, build trust, and love others becomes contagious.

Play it forward.

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