Thursday, January 24, 2019

Sowing, Growing, Reaping. Sowing...

Some days are better than others. Recently, I've been investing in more conversations with my boys. They are at that stage of life where you realize you haven't invested enough and you rapidly start blithering on about all the wisdom you have that they need to make it in life.

But the joy for me recently was having three different conversations with three of them.

First, finding out that one was a leader and someone in the group was feeling left out. He took the time to talk with that person individually, and then with the group, and then was able to integrate the person back into the group. Nice!

Next was one asking about responsibilities related to college expenses. They were trying to balance the idea of living on their own in another state just to gain in-state tuition. Not a bad idea.

The last was the one who realized that he was just like one of the other guys. In fact, all of the other guys. He realized that there wasn't anything that makes him different, more compassionate, more inventive, harder working, more generous, more bold or kind.

He challenged himself create separation from the crowd by sowing seeds of joy wherever he can.

All three of these things are things that I did. And all three of these things are things that I value. At some point, I could assume that I told the boys something along these lines. But who knows which was more significant, my actions or my words.

In any case, I just need to keep Sowing - whatever that looks like. Leave the Growing to God, and let others Reap the benefits. I hope that my life will be multiplied through them.

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