Friday, January 25, 2019

You have enough

Please set aside your feelings about Thomas Edison and his mother and whether or not this story is true. There are plenty of places that you can argue about that. What is true is his mother did teach him and like it or not, he made a significant impact on the culture at the time. What is also true is that he was labeled "addled." 

OK - so what do you expect? The dude was slated to go NOWHERE. And he made a significant splash. How many have you heard "I grew up on the streets..." and now they are a millionaire.

The point to me is that each person has a choice as to what they apply themselves to. I recommend a personal inventory. S.P.I.E.S

Make goals in each of these five categories:

Spiritual. Very few successful people will ignore this aspect of their lives. You shouldn't ignore it either.
Physical. You need to take care of this tent we live in. Your physical condition will impact all other areas of your life. Physical is also working with your world. Accomplishing something you may not think you could do (art, construction, gardening, etc)
Intellectual. This is where you never stop learning. Never stop. You can learn something new every day. Make that in and of itself a goal. But with the internet, you can get nano-degrees within months.
Emotional. You might consider this heart health. It is going to be closely related to how you feel when you wake up. Are you dreading the day or are you looking forward to it.
Social. On the one side, you can think "who am I hanging out with?" But I would encourage you to think "Who needs me to hang out with them?"

As you set goals, here are some things you need to keep in mind
(1) Make them Measurable. Put a quantity on it. For instance, I will write 25 blog posts.
(2) Time Constraint. I will write 25 blog posts this month. Similarly, don't let time be a reason to not do something. For instance, it takes less than a minute to do a set up Push-Ups. You can find a minute before bed to "squeeze it in" and you will be glad you didn't miss your commitment.
(3) Write it down. Check it off. Write it down. Check it off. Write it down. Check it off. ...
(4) Check it, reevaluate and adjust if needed
(5) Repeat.

Habits take about 30 days to form. So you need to stick at it.

Lastly, you have enough. You have been given everything you need to reach your goals. You only need to commit your mind to the task. Who is the greater person in this story? Edison, or his mother?

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