Thursday, September 25, 2014

Testing my will

I'm a talker. Worse than that, I'm a lecturer. Today I read this verse:

Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. - James 1:19

As a result, I'm going to resolve to NOT lecture my children. Instead, I'm going to ask a thoughtful question that enables them to come to the conclusion themselves. Essentially, I'm going to fight to say all I have to say in one minute or less.

I'm NOT going to lecture my soccer team. I'm going to ask the questions that they know the answers to and clarify when they ask questions back.

If I come up with more areas, I'll add them to this list - but these two things seem to frustrate me (and turn me into monster lecture man) more than anything else.

In order to help me with this, I'm going to set an alarm for every 4 hours. That way when the alarm goes off, it will reiterate the commitment in my mind. I'll keep this up until it becomes a habit.

A wise old owl sat in an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke;

The less he spoke the more he heard;
Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?

- anonymous

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