Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Variety is the Spice of Life

Life isn't the same every day. Some days you are on top of the world, some days you get your heart ripped out.

I often wonder what it would be like if we only experienced the good things...

Take food for instance. I like apples and ice cream. Do I then hate apples because I like the taste of ice cream more? Or do I hate ice cream because it makes me fat and therefore like apples more?

Even good and delicious things need moderation. Have you ever tried a spoon full of cinnamon or vanilla? That will turn you inside out.

And we all know that veggies (yucky!) are good for us. And lemons are so delicious if you use them right. There are things we would never eat alone that when combined with other ingredients are delightful. Have you ever had an omelette? So many good things in there that you probably wouldn't eat by themselves.

Everything seems to have a place.

Spin that back to our daily life. Are the yucky things in life something that are good for me? I believe the answer is yes. Challenges help me to grow. Loss makes us appreciate what we have. There is good in the bad. And there can be peace in the heart ache. 

But we have to be willing to look for it. We have to be willing to press forward.

I love mountain top experiences, but if I was always on top of the mountain, I wouldn't really appreciate it as much.

A person who has grown up with ease, experiences less joy in the simple things of life. A person who has grown up with difficulty, experiences greater joy in the simple things of life.

My hope is to find as much joy as possible and help others to do the same. This life is awesome!

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