Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Wisdom and Experience

We've all seen it (I think). Because as much as you may make fun of a Hallmark movie, you can't help but sit through at least 20 minutes just to prove you know the entire outcome of the story.

In fact, my kids have created Christmas Hallmark Bingo. It includes about a dozen game boards each with spaces like "vehicle breaks down," "winter storm," "girl Pep talk," or one of our favorites "Kid is a better actor." Naturally, the center free space is "They Kiss!"

Why has everyone seen at least 20 minutes of these masterpieces? Because that's how long before the next commercial.

Have you noticed that in these commercials they have wonderful happy people doing random everyday things? Seems like the world is normal - and I think that is the message they are trying to convey. Take our pill, be normal.

This works pretty well until the announcer starts into the possible side effects. I'm always amazed by the products that are supposed to stop heart burn that "may cause heart burn." Is that another way of saying if it didn't work? "Well, we told you so."

The thing is we are a word-of-mouth society. We trust each other to give us good advice. Good salesmen make you trust them before they sell you anything. You have to lean into their wisdom and experience in order to make a decision about something you don't know enough about.

As youth, we often think our parents don't want to hear or don't really know about what we are experiencing. But the truth is, adults/PARENTS were once hormone infused youth. They have walked down those paths an have some amazing insight which is usually tied to some amazing stories.

So if you are a youth, don't hesitate to open up to your parents. Ask questions. Proverbs says "Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers."

Lean into those that have gone before you and listen. You may still want to go and make mistakes. Which may result in the dreaded "I told you so." But if you are open and honest with your parents, you are less likely to find shock and frustration. You'll more likely find compassion and love.

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