Tuesday, January 28, 2014

AWOL on Monday

Previously Published January 25, 2010

I am struck by the verse mentioned in today's Devotional for Men that simply says:

"I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that cost me nothing."

The thing that this verse stirs up in me is a thought that sometimes haunts me. I live in a good neighbourhood in one of the areas least hit by the recent economic downturn. I've been blessed to be employed and valued at my work. My kids have access to good education and they lack nothing (much to my dismay). My wife is able to get involved in activities she wants to without hesitation. So what gives?

Well that's the question that haunts me. It is strange to think that when I was first married, we gave faithfully without question. But when your pay check is only $1000 a month, writing a $20 check every week doesn't seem like a big deal. But to think what that has cost me since our first year of marriage? Do you know what that would look like?

What if I didn't tithe? What would that look like? I could afford landscaping services, private schools, my first kids college education could be paid in full. I could own a boat and pay for mooring or storage. I could afford to rip out the carpets that are stained and replace them a couple times BEFORE the kids leave the house. Or paint? Wallpaper? Shop at Nordstrom rather than Wal-mart.

Sunday is a wonderful day in my heart. I love getting the feeding and nourishment I need. But to think that in this world that one day of week will be enough food to last all week is insane. When I think about going AWOL on Monday I'm literally thinking about choking myself. And if I'm choking myself with the weeds of the world, I forget that by giving sacrificially, I've supported God's word being spread by missionaries in all parts of the world. I've helped my local schools who's funding has been cut. I've helped by brother in need whose house is falling in around them. Sure, I've also paid some ministry staff positions - but those people are reaching others for Christ in the best way they know how.

My sacrifice is small, but it is enough to remind me that it does cost me. But if God can be glorified in my actions, then that is enough. For there is no sacrifice I can do to earn his grace. There is nothing I can do to say thank you enough for Christ. The least I can do is give of my finances. The greater things I do I will do with my hands and feet. That I might serve Him more would be a great delight - not a sacrifice. Help me not to go AWOL on Monday.

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